New Ways of Working
Future Hybrid Working
Focus in the Workplace :
Early in 2012, a spate of new books and media coverage raised a suddenly pertinent question about modern life: can any of us think straight anymore? Diane Hoskins, Executive Director, Gensler responds.
Salesforce shifts away from in-person work: 'The 9to5 workday is dead'
Salesforce has become the latest tech company in San Francisco to signal a transition away from in-person work, declaring the “9-to-5 workday is dead”. Kari Paul in San Franciso reports ….
A Little Taste Of Old Normal – The Benefits Of A Virtual Commute
Virtual work is everywhere, and it is widely acknowledged that in some form, it is here to stay well past the end of the pandemic.
Orbit’s series of information documents used to support their new way of working “WorkSmart” and supportive wellbeing information:
What the homeworking revolution means for city centres …
Understanding the internal dynamics of routines.
Presentation by Dr Simon Addyman Associate Professor, UCL
An overview of the guidance & support Yorkshire Water has put in place over the last year ….
“Creating the Future of Work, from trauma to opportunity” by former senior Microsoft executive, Stephen Sinofsky
Project areas
Business Case / Wellbeing / Cultural Heart / Communication / Collaboration / New Ways of Working / Technology & Asset Management / Organisational Design / RiD Talks / Workshops